The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

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Picture from Blue Ridge Botanic.

Scenes 1, 2, and 3 of the Glass Menagerie performed or narrated by Montgomery Clift, Julie Harris, Jessica Tandy, David Wayne, and directed by Howard Sackler for Caedmon Records and The Theatre Recording Society. Produced in 1964.

Time Annotation Layer
2:43 162.817504 162.817504
21:13 1272.310625 1272.310625
5:19 318.403519 318.403519
8:24 503.256491 503.256491
10:15 614.0488 614.0488
5:15 314.328885 314.328885
7:55 474.145765 474.145765
16:35 994.636871 994.636871
12:49 768.308412 768.308412
15:59 958.300917 958.300917
4:57 296.641674 296.641674
5:55 354.063919 354.063919
5:44 343.346039 343.346039
24:58 1497.890936 1497.890936
7:47 466.582809 466.582809
10:01 600.728326 600.728326
8:51 530.478655 530.478655
25:09 1508.019031 1508.019031
10:53 652.707231 652.707231
16:33 992.419629 992.419629
16:26 985.32519 985.32519
4:28 267.721491 267.721491
17:31 1050.607386 1050.607386
20:51 1250.118766 1250.118766
3:04 183.307948 183.307948
22:08 1327.239591 1327.239591
4:52 291.691359 291.691359
4:31 270.646567 270.646567
15:55 954.791725 954.791725
10:32 631.1533 631.1533
23:52 1431.584127 1431.584127
13:37 816.236919 816.236919
6:54 413.987814 413.987814
4:51 290.139051 290.139051
22:02 1321.193491 1321.193491
7:43 462.082288 462.082288
9:18 557.412925 557.412925
21:06 1265.141261 1265.141261
22:12 1331.764065 1331.764065
1:08 67.707292 67.707292
23:02 1381.31486 1381.31486
21:58 1317.407802 1317.407802
5:37 336.117702 336.117702
21:16 1275.723848 1275.723848
22:03 1322.098939 1322.098939
22:56 1375.314025 1375.314025
2:46 165.621133 165.621133
21:13 1272.529421 1272.529421
7:26 445.417582 445.417582
21:29 1288.233566 1288.233566
22:07 1326.545132 1326.545132
9:50 589.589011 589.589011
14:01 840.116013 840.116013
13:11 790.070787 790.070787
7:40 459.494062 459.494062
14:14 853.267666 853.267666
13:14 793.077149 793.077149
2:39 158.28913 158.28913
14:06 845.193783 845.193783
14:20 859.795585 859.795585
22:25 1344.353385 1344.353385
0:00 0 0
4:43 282.450821 282.450821
13:31 810.884445 810.884445
0:02 - 0:18 TOM: I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion. Transcription
0:19 - 0:45 TOM: To begin with, I turn bark time. I reverse it to that quaint period, the thirties, when the huge middle class of America was matriculating in a school for the blind. Their eyes had failed them or they had failed their eyes, and so they were having their fingers pressed forcibly down on the fiery Braille alphabet of a dissolving economy. Transcription
0:45 - 1:08 TOM: In Spain there was revolution. Here there was only shouting and confusion. In Spain there was Guernica. Here there were disturbances of labour, sometimes pretty violent, in otherwise peaceful cities such as Chicago, Cleveland, Saint Louis. . . .This is the social background of the play. Transcription
1:08 - 2:37 TOM: The play is memory. Being a memory play, it is dimly lighted, it is sentimental, it is not realistic. In memory everything seems to happen to music. That explains the fiddle in the wings. I am the narrator of the play, and also a character in it. The other characters are my mother Amanda, my sister Laura and a gentleman caller who appears in the final scenes. He is the most realistic character in the play, being an emissary from a world of reality that we were somehow set apart from. But since I have a poet's weakness for symbols, I am using this character also as a symbol; he is the long-delayed but always expected something that we live for. There is a fifth character in the play who doesn't appear except in this larger-thanlife-size photograph over the mantel. This is our father who left us a long time ago.He was a telephone man who fell in love with long distances; he gave up his job with the telephone company and skipped the light fantastic out of town. . . .The last we heard of him was a picture postcard from Mazatlan, on the Pacific coast of Mexico, containing a message of two words - 'Hello - Good-bye!' and no address.I think the rest of the play will explain itself ... Transcription
2:39 - 2:42 AMANDA: Tom? Tom? Transcription
2:42 - 2:43 TOM: Yes, Mother? Transcription
2:43 - 2:46 AMANDA: We can't say grace until you come to the table! Transcription
2:46 - 2:47 TOM: I'm coming. Transcription
2:55 - 2:60 AMANDA: For these and all thy mercies, God's holy name we praise. You know, Laura, I had the funniest experience in Church last Sunday. The Church was crowded except for one pew way down in front, and in that, was just one little woman. I smiled very sweetly at her and I said, 'Excuse me, but would you mind if I share this pew?' 'I certainly would,' she said, 'This space is rented.' Do you know, that's the first time I ever knew that the Lord rented space. Transcription
3:04 - 3:30 AMANDA: Tom, honey, don't push with your fingers. If you have to push with something, the thing to push with is a crust of bread. And chew !chew! Animals have sections in their stomachs which enable them to digest food without mastication, but human beings are supposed to chew their food before they swallow it down. Eat food leisurely, son, and really enjoy it. A well-cooked meal has lots of delicate flavours that have to be held in the mouth for appreciation. So chew your food and give your salivary glands a chance to function! Transcription
3:31 - 4:03 TOM: Mother, I haven't enjoyed one bite of this dinner because of your constant directions on how to eat it. It's you that makes me rush through meals with your hawk-like attention to every bite I take. Sickening - spoils my appetite - all this discussion of - animals' secretion - salivary glands - mastication! Transcription
4:03 - 4:22 AMANDA: Temperament like a Metropolitan star! You're not excused from the table. Transcription
4:22 - 4:27 TOM: I'm getting a cigarette. Transcription
4:27 - 4:28 AMANDA: You smoke too much. Transcription
4:28 - 4:29 LAURA: I'll bring in the coffee. Transcription
4:29 - 4:31 AMANDA: No, sister, no, sister - you be the lady this time and I'll be the darkey. Transcription
4:31 - 4:34 LAURA: I'm already up. Transcription
4:34 - 4:35 AMANDA: Resume your seat, little sister, I want you to stay fresh and pretty for gentleman callers! Transcription
4:35 - 4:40 LAURA: I'm not expecting any gentleman callers. Transcription
4:41 - 4:43 AMANDA: Sometimes they come when they are least expected! Why, I remember one Sunday afternoon in Blue Mountain - Transcription
4:43 - 4:50 TOM: I know what's coming. Transcription
4:51 - 4:52 LAURA: Yes. But let her tell it. She loves to tell it. Transcription
4:52 - 4:57 AMANDA: One Sunday afternoon in Blue Mountain, your mother received seventeen! gentlemen callers! Why, sometimes there weren't chairs enough to accommodate them all. We had to send the colored boy over to bring in folding chairs from the parish house. Transcription
4:57 - 5:12 TOM: How did you entertain those gentleman callers? Transcription
5:12 - 5:15 AMANDA: I understood the art of conversation! Transcription
5:15 - 5:17 TOM: I bet you could talk. Transcription
5:18 - 5:19 AMANDA: Girls in those days knew how to talk, I can tell you. Transcription
5:19 - 5:36 AMANDA: They knew how to entertain their gentlemen callers. It wasn't enough for a girl to be possessed of a pretty face and a graceful figure although I wasn't slighted in either respect. She also needed to have a nimble wit and a tongue to meet all occasions. Transcription
5:37 - 5:38 TOM: What did you talk about? Transcription
5:38 - 5:44 AMANDA: Things of importance going on in the world ! Never anything coarse or common or vulgar. Transcription
5:44 - 5:54 AMANDA: My callers were gentleman -all! Among my callers were some of the most prominent young planters of the Mississippi Delta - planters and sons of planters! Transcription
5:55 - 6:11 AMANDA: There was young Champ Laughlin who later became vice-president of the Delta Planters Bank. Hadley Stevenson who was drowned in Moon Lake and left his widow one hundred and fifty thousand in Government bonds. Transcription
6:11 - 6:53 AMANDA: There were the Cutrere brothers, Wesley and Bates. Bates was one of my bright particular beaux! He got in a quarrel with that wild Wainwright boy. They shot it out on the floor of Moon Lake Casino. Bates was shot through the stomach. Died in the ambulance on his way to Memphis. His widow was also well provided for, came into eight or ten thousand acres, that's all. She married him on the rebound - never loved her - carried my picture on him the night he died !And there was that boy that every girl in the Delta had set her cap for! That beautiful, brilliant young Fitzhugh boy from Greene County! Transcription
6:53 - 6:54 TOM: What did he leave his widow? Transcription
6:54 - 6:60 AMANDA: He never married ! Gracious, you talk as though all of my old admirers had turned up their toes to the daisies ! Transcription
6:60 - 7:03 TOM: Isn't this the first you've mentioned that still survives ? Transcription
7:03 - 7:24 AMANDA: That Fitzhugh boy went North and made a fortune - came to be known as the Wolf of Wall Street! He had the Midas touch, whatever he touched turned to gold! And I could have been Mrs Duncan J. Fitzhugh, mind you! But what did I do- I just went out of my way and picked your father ! Transcription
7:24 - 7:26 LAURA [rising]: Mother, let me clear the table. Transcription
7:26 - 7:40 AMANDA: No, dear, you go in front and study your typewriter chart. Or practise your shorthand a little. Stay fresh and pretty! It's almost time for our gentlemen callers to start arriving. [She flounces girlishly toward the kitchenette.] How many do you suppose we're going to entertain this afternoon? Transcription
7:40 - 7:43 LAURA [alone in the dining-room]: I don't believe we're going to receive any, Mother. Transcription
7:43 - 7:47 AMANDA [reappearing, airily ] What? Not one - not one? You must be joking! Transcription
7:47 - 7:54 AMANDA: Not one gentleman caller? It can't be true ! There must be a flood, there must have been a tornado! Transcription
7:55 - 8:08 LAURA: It isn't a flood, it's not a tornado, Mother. I'm just not popular like you were in Blue Mountain. ... [Tom utters another groan. LAURA glances at him with a faint, apologetic smile. Her voice catching a little.] Mother's afraid I'm going to be an old maid. Transcription
8:51 - 8:54 LAURA: Hello, Mother, I was - [She makes a nervous gesture toward the chart on the Wall. AMANDA leans against the shut door and stares at LAURA with a martyred look.] Transcription
8:54 - 8:59 AMANDA: Deception ? Deception ? [She slowly removes her hat and gloves, continuing the sweet suffering stare. She lets the hat and gloves fall on the floor - a bit of acting.] Transcription
9:03 - 9:18 LAURA [shakily]: How was the DAR. meeting? Didn't you go to the DAR. meeting, Mother? Transcription
9:18 - 9:35 AMANDA [faintly, almost inaudibly]: - No. - No. [Then more forcibly.] I did not have the strength - to go to the DAR. In fact, I did not have the courage! I wanted to find a hole in the ground and hide myself in it for ever ! [She crosses slowly to the wall and removes the diagram of the typewriter keyboard. She holds it in front of her for a second, staring at it sweetly and sorrowfully - then bites her lips and tears it into two pieces.] Transcription
9:40 - 9:44 LAURA [faintly]: Why did you do that, Mother? [AMANDA repeats the same procedure with the chart of the Gregg alphabet.] Why are you ?? Transcription
9:44 - 9:50 AMANDA: Why? Why? How old are you, Laura? Transcription
9:50 - 9:52 LAURA: Mother, you know my age. Transcription
9:52 - 10:01 AMANDA: I thought that you were an adult; it seems that I was mistaken. [She crosses slowly to the sofa and sinks down and stares at LAURA.] Transcription
10:01 - 10:06 LAURA: Please don't stare at me, Mother. Transcription
10:06 - 10:14 AMANDA: What are we going to do, what is going to become of us, what is the future? Transcription
10:15 - 10:23 LAURA: Has something happened, Mother? [AMANDA draws a long breath and takes out the handkerchief again. Dabbing process.] Mother, has - something happened? Transcription
10:23 - 10:31 AMANDA: I'll be all right in a minute, I'm just bewildered [Count five.] - by life. ... Transcription
10:32 - 10:35 LAURA: Mother, I wish that you would tell me what's happened! Transcription
10:36 - 10:52 AMANDA: As you know, I was supposed to be inducted into my office at the D.A.R. this afternoon. But I stopped off at Rubicam's business college to speak to your teachers about your having a cold and ask them what progress they thought you were making down there. Transcription
10:52 - 10:53 LAURA: Oh.... Transcription
10:53 - 12:36 AMANDA: I went to the typing instructor and introduced myself as your mother. She didn't know who you were. Wingfield, she said. We don't have any such student enrolled at the school! I assured her she did, that you had been going to classes since early in January. 'I wonder,' she said, 'if you could be talking about that terribly shy little girl who dropped out of school after only a few days' attendance?' 'No,' I said, 'Laura, my daughter, has been going to school every day for the past six weeks !' 'Excuse me,' she said. She took the attendance book out and there was your name, unmistakably printed, and all the dates you were absent until they decided that you had dropped out of school. I still said, 'No, there must have been some mistake I There must have been some mix-up in the records !' And she said, 'No - I remember her perfectly now. Her hands shook so that she couldn't hit the right keys ! The first time we gave a speed-test, she broke down completely - was sick at the stomach and almost had to be carried into the wash-room! After that morning she never showed up any more. We phoned the house but never got any answer' -while I was working at Famous and Barr, I suppose, demonstrating those - Oh! I felt so weak I could barely keep on my feet ! I had to sit down while they got me a glass of water ! Fifty dollars' tuition, all of our plans - my hopes and ambition for you - just gone up the spout, just gone up the spout like that. [LAURA draws a long breath and gets awkwardly to her feet She crosses to the victrola and winds it up.] Oh, don't do that, Laura, don't play that big trolla. Transcription
12:36 - 12:38 LAURA: Oh I [She releases the handle and returns to her seat.] Transcription
12:42 - 12:47 AMANDA: Laura? Laura, where have you been going when you've gone on pretending that you were going to business college ? Transcription
12:47 - 12:48 LAURA: I've just been going out walking. Transcription
12:49 - 12:50 AMANDA: That's not true. Transcription
12:50 - 12:54 LAURA: It is. I just went walking. Transcription
12:54 - 13:05 AMANDA: Walking? Walking? In winter? Deliberately courting pneumonia in that light coat? Where did you walk to, Laura? Transcription
13:05 - 13:10 LAURA: All sorts of places - mostly in the park. Transcription
13:11 - 13:13 AMANDA: Even after you'd started catching that cold? Transcription
13:14 - 13:22 LAURA: It was the lesser of two evils, Mother. [IMAGE: WINTER SCENE IN PARK.] I couldn't go back up. I threw up -on the floor ! Transcription
13:22 - 13:31 AMANDA: From half past seven till after five every day you mean to tell me you walked around in the park, because you wanted to make me think that you were still going to Rubicam's Business College? Transcription
13:31 - 13:37 LAURA: It wasn't as bad as it sounds. I went inside places to get warmed up Transcription
13:37 - 13:38 AMANDA: Inside where? Transcription
13:38 - 13:60 LAURA: I went in the art museum and the bird-houses at the Zoo. I visited the penguins every day! Sometimes I did without lunch and went to the movies. Lately I've been spending most of my afternoons in the jewel-box, that big glass-house where they raise the tropical flowers. Transcription
14:01 - 14:05 AMANDA: You did all this to deceive me, just for deception? [LAURA looks down.] Why? Transcription
14:06 - 14:14 LAURA: Mother, when you're disappointed, you get that awful suffering look on your face, like the picture of Jesus' mother in the museum ! Transcription
14:14 - 14:14 AMANDA: Hush ! Transcription
14:15 - 14:16 LAURA: I couldn't face it. Transcription
14:20 - 15:48 AMANDA [hopelessly fingering the huge pocketbook]: So what are we going to do the rest of our lives? Stay home and watch the parades go by? Amuse ourselves with the glass menagerie, darling? Eternally play those worn-out phonograph records your father left as a painful reminder of him? We won't have a business career - we've given that up because it gave us nervous indigestion ! [Laughs wearily.] What is there left but dependency all our lives? I know so well what becomes of unmarried women who aren't prepared to occupy a position. I've seen such pitiful cases in the South - barely tolerated spinsters living upon the grudging patronage of sister's husband or brother's wife ! - stuck away in some little mousetrap of a room - encouraged by one in-law to visit another - little birdlike women without any nest - eating the crust of humility all their life ! Is that the future that we've mapped out for ourselves? I swear it's the only alternative I can think of ! It isn't a very pleasant alternative, is it? Of course - some girls do marry! [LAURA twists her hands nervously.] Haven't you ever liked some boy? Transcription
15:48 - 15:54 LAURA: Yes. I liked one once. [Rises.] I came across his picture a while ago. Transcription
15:54 - 15:55 AMANDA [with some interest]. He gave you his picture? Transcription
15:55 - 15:57 LAURA: No, it's in the year-book. Transcription
15:57 - 15:59 AMANDA: [disappointed]: Oh - a high-school boy. Transcription
15:59 - 16:08 LAURA: Yes. His name was Jim. [LAURA lifts the heavy annual from the claw-foot table.] Here he is in The Pirates of Penzance. Transcription
16:08 - 16:09 AMANDA [absently]: The what? Transcription
16:09 - 16:25 LAURA: The operetta the senior class put on. He had a wonderful voice and we sat across the aisle from each other Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the Aud. Here he is with the silver cup for debating !See his grin? Transcription
16:26 - 16:28 AMANDA [absently]: He must have had a jolly disposition. Transcription
16:29 - 16:33 LAURA: He used to call me - Blue Roses. Transcription
16:33 - 16:35 AMANDA: Why did he call you such a name as that? Transcription
16:35 - 17:18 LAURA: When I had that attack of pleurosis - he asked me what was the matter when I came back. I Said pleurosis he thought that I said Blue Roses ! So that's what he always called me after that. Whenever he saw me, he'd holler, 'Hello, Blue Roses ! I didn't care for the girl that he went out with. Emily Meisenbach. Emily was the best-dressed girl at school. She never struck me, though, as being sincere. . . . It says in the Personal Section - they're engaged. That's a long time ago. They must be married by now. Transcription
17:18 - 17:27 AMANDA: Girls that aren't cut out for business careers usually wind up married to some nice man. [Gets up with aspark of revival.] Sister, that's what you'll do ! Transcription
17:29 - 17:29 LAURA: But, Mother Transcription
17:30 - 17:30 AMANDA: Yes ? [Crossing to photograph.] Transcription
17:31 - 17:33 LAURA [in a tone of frightened apology]: I'm - crippled ! Transcription
17:33 - 17:59 AMANDA: Nonsense ! Laura, I've told you never, never to use that word. Why, you're not crippled, you just have a little defect - hardly noticeable, even! When people have some slight disadvantage like that, they cultivate other things to make up for it - develop charm - and vivacity and - charm! That's all you have to do ![She turns again to the photograph.] One thing your father had plenty of - was charm! Transcription
18:20 - 18:40 TOM: After the fiasco at Rubicam's Business College, the idea of getting a gentleman caller for Laura began to play a more and more important part in Mother's calculations. It became an obsession. Like some archetype of the universal unconscious, the image of the gentleman caller haunted our small apartment. ... Transcription
18:41 - 19:36 TOM: Even when he wasn't mentioned, his presence hung in Mother's preoccupied look and in my sister's frightened, apologetic manner - hung like a sentence passed upon the Wingfields ! Mother was a woman of action as well as words. She began to take logical steps in the planned direction. Late that winter and in the early spring - realizing that extra money would be needed to properly feather the nest and plume the bird - she conducted a vigorous campaign on the- telephone, roping in subscribers to one of those magazines for matrons called The Home-maker's Companion, the type of journal that features the serialized , sublimations of ladies of letters who think in terms of eyes like wood-smoke in autumn, fingers that soothe and caress like strains of music, bodies as powerful as Etruscan sculpture. Transcription
19:38 - 20:51 AMANDA: Ida Scott? This is Amanda Wingfield! We missed you at the D.A.R. meeting last Monday! I said to myself: She's probably suffering with that sinus condition ! How is that sinus condition? Horrors ! Heaven have mercy !- You're a Christian martyr, yes, that's what you are, a Christian martyr ! Well, I just have happened to notice that your subscription to the Companion's about to expire! Yes, it expires with the next issue, honey !- just when that wonderful new serial by Bessie Mae Hopper is getting off to such an exciting start. Oh, honey, it's something that you can't miss !You remember how 'Gone With the Wind' took everybody by storm? You simply couldn't go out if you hadn't read it. All everybody talked was Scarlet O'Hara. Well, this is a book that critics already compare to Gone With the Wind. It's the 'Gone With the Wind' of the post-World War generation! - What? -Burning !- Oh, honey, don't let them burn, go take a look in the oven and I'll hold- Heavens - I think she's hung up ! ... Oh, Tom! Tom, do you know what she did? She hung up on me. Transcription
20:51 - 20:54 LAURA: Mother, Mother! Tom's trying to write! Transcription
20:54 - 21:01 AMANDA: Oh? So he is... So he is! Why can't you sit up straight? Transcription
21:01 - 21:06 TOM: Mother! Please go busy yourself with something else. I'm trying to write Transcription
21:06 - 21:12 AMANDA: Now, I've seen a medical chart. And I know what that position does to your internal organs! Now you sit up and I'll shoo! Transcription
21:12 - 21:13 TOM: What in Christ's name am ! Transcription
21:13 - 21:14 AMANDA [shrilly]: Don't you use that - Transcription
21:13 - 21:14 TOM: Supposed to do ! Transcription
21:14 - 21:16 AMANDA: Tone with me !Not in my - Transcription
21:15 - 21:15 TOM: Ohhh! ! Transcription
21:16 - 21:18 AMANDA: House ! What's the matter with you? Have you gone out of your senses? Transcription
21:18 - 21:21 TOM: I have, that's true, driven out ! Transcription
21:21 - 21:23 AMANDA: What is the matter with you, you - big - big IDIOT ! Transcription
21:23 - 21:26 TOM: Look !- I've got no thing, no single thing ! Transcription
21:26 - 21:27 AMANDA: Lower Your Voice ! Transcription
21:27 - 21:29 TOM: In my life here that I can call my OWN ! Transcription
21:29 - 21:30 AMANDA: Stop that shouting ! Transcription
21:30 - 21:33 TOM: Yesterday you confiscated my books ! You had the nerve - Transcription
21:33 - 21:48 AMANDA: I took that horrible novel back to the library- yes ! That hideous book by that insane Mr. Lawrence. [Tom laughs wildly.] I cannot control the output of diseased minds or people who cater to them - [Tom laughs still more wildly.] BUT I WON'T ALLOW SUCH FILTH BROUGHT INTO MY HOUSE ! NO, no, no, no, no ! Transcription
21:48 - 21:52 TOM: My house, my house ! Who pays rent on it, who makes a slave of himself to - Transcription
21:52 - 21:53 AMANDA [fairly screeching]: Don't you DARE to - Transcription
21:54 - 21:57 TOM: No, no, I mustn't say anything ! I've just got to keep quiet- Transcription
21:57 - 21:58 AMANDA: Let me tell you - Transcription
21:58 - 21:59 TOM: I don't want to hear any more! [He tears the portières open. The upstage area is lit with a turgid smoky red glow.] Transcription
21:59 - 21:60 AMANDA: You will hear more, you - Transcription
21:60 - 22:02 TOM: No, I won' t hear more, I'm going out ! Transcription
22:02 - 22:03 AMANDA: You come right back in - Transcription
22:03 - 22:03 TOM: Out! Transcription
22:03 - 22:06 AMANDA: Come back here, Tom Wingfield ! I'm not through talking to you ! Transcription
22:06 - 22:07 TOM: Oh, go - Transcription
22:07 - 22:08 LAURA [desperately]: Tom ! Transcription
22:08 - 22:12 AMANDA: You're going to listen, and no more insolence from you ! I'm at the end of my patience ! Transcription
22:12 - 22:25 TOM: What do you think I'm at the end of? Aren't I supposed to have any patience to reach the end of, Mother? I know, I know. It seems unimportant to you, what I'm doing - and what I want to do - having a slight difference between them !You don't think - Transcription
22:25 - 22:54 AMANDA: I think you've been doing things that you're ashamed of. That's why you act like this. I don't believe that you go every night to the movies every night. Nobody goes to the movies night after night. Nobody in their right mind goes to the movies as often as you pretend to. People don't go to the movies at nearly midnight, and movies don't let out at two a.m. Come in stumbling. Muttering to yourself like a maniac! You get three hours' sleep and then go to work. Oh, I can picture the way you're doing down there. Moping, doping, because you're in no condition. Transcription
22:54 - 22:56 TOM [wildly]: No, I'm in no condition ! Transcription
22:56 - 23:02 AMANDA: What right have you got to jeopardize your job - jeopardize the security of us all? How do you think we'd manage if you were - Transcription
23:02 - 23:49 TOM: Listen !You think I'm crazy about the warehouse? [He bonds fiercely toward her slight figure.] You think I'm in love with the Continental Shoemakers? You think I want to spend fifty- five years down there in that - celotex interior! Look! I'd rather somebody picked up a crowbar and battered out my brains - than go back mornings! But I go ! Every time you come in yelling……… that God damn 'Rise and Shine!'- 'Rise and Shine!' I say to myself, 'How lucky dead people are ! 'But I get up. I go! For sixty-five dollars a month I give up all that I dream of doing and being ever! And you say self - selfs' all I ever think of. Why, listen, if self is what I thought of, Mother, I'd be where he is -G O N E ! [Pointing to fathers picture.] As far as the system of transportation reaches ! [He starts past her. She grabs his arm.] Don't grab at me, Mother ! Transcription
23:49 - 23:51 AMANDA: I'm not grabbing at you, I just wanna know where are you going? Transcription
23:51 - 23:52 TOM: I'm going to the movies! Transcription
23:52 - 23:54 AMANDA: I don't believe that lie ! Transcription
23:54 - 24:55 TOM [crouching toward her, overtowering her tiny figure. She backs away, gasping]: No? Well, you're right. For once in your life you're right. I'm going to opium dens ! Yes, opium dens, dens of vice and criminals' hang-outs, Mother. I've joined the Hogan gang, I'm a hired assassin, I carry a tommy-gun in a violin case! I run a string of cathouses in the Valley! They call me Killer, Killer Wingfield, I'm leading a double-life, a simple, honest warehouse worker by day, by night a dynamic tsar of the underworld, Mother. I go to gambling casinos, I spin away fortunes on the roulette table ! I wear a patch over one eye and a false moustache, sometimes I put on green whiskers. On those occasions they call me -El Diablo ! Oh, I could tell you things to make you sleepless ! My enemies plan to dynamite this place. They're going to blow us all sky-high some night ! And will I be glad, and so will you ! You'll go up, up on a broomstick, over Blue Mountain with seventeen gentlemen callers! You ugly - babbling old - witch. [He goes through a series of violent, clumsy movements, seizing his overcoat, lunging to do door, pulling it fiercely open. The women watch him, aghast. His arm catches in the sleeve of the coat as he struggles to pull it on. For a moment he is pinioned by the bulky garment. With an outraged groan he tears the coat of again, splitting the shoulder of it, and hurls it across the room. It strikes against the shelf of Laura's glass collection, there is a tinkle of shattering glass. LAURA cries out as if wounded.] Transcription
24:55 - 24:57 LAURA [shrilly] : Oh! Help! My glass ! - menagerie. . . . [She covers her face and turns away.] Transcription
24:58 - 25:06 AMANDA [in an awful voice]: I won't speak to you - until you apologize ! [She crosses through portières and draws them together behind her. TOM is left with LAURA. LAURA Clings weakly to the mantel with her face averted. TOM stares at her stupidly for a moment. Then he crosses to shelf. Drops awkwardly on his knees to collect the fallen glass, glancing at LAURA as if he would speak but couldn't.] Transcription
25:09 - 25:13 TOM: I'm sorry, Laura. I'm sorry. Transcription
15:48 947.919604 947.919604
21:21 1280.317138 1280.317138
10:23 622.870957 622.870957
7:24 443.937078 443.937078
12:50 769.895408 769.895408
4:41 280.161855 280.161855
21:18 1277.914322 1277.914322
4:29 268.791414 268.791414
21:33 1292.406787 1292.406787
4:35 274.392148 274.392148
8:54 533.837233 533.837233
7:03 422.477416 422.477416
15:54 953.358393 953.358393
21:59 1318.698101 1318.698101
10:36 635.560862 635.560862
24:55 1494.792208 1494.792208
9:40 579.429086 579.429086
23:54 1433.275883 1433.275883
12:36 755.81874 755.81874
12:54 773.879779 773.879779
21:52 1311.567644 1311.567644
4:22 261.243539 261.243539
21:60 1319.684085 1319.684085
6:53 412.625048 412.625048
5:18 317.006501 317.006501
16:29 988.843471 988.843471
21:30 1289.378747 1289.378747
18:20 1099.338967 1099.338967
6:60 419.903456 419.903456
15:57 956.447471 956.447471
21:15 1274.082875 1274.082875
21:23 1282.544899 1282.544899
2:42 161.420041 161.420041
21:01 1260.838563 1260.838563
13:22 801.866238 801.866238
9:03 542.763982 542.763982
16:08 967.296311 967.296311
17:33 1052.561443 1052.561443
21:54 1313.028644 1313.028644
13:38 817.575891 817.575891
21:26 1285.24199 1285.24199
16:09 968.149387 968.149387
17:29 1048.103062 1048.103062
9:52 591.691057 591.691057
18:41 1120.534498 1120.534498
10:52 651.544332 651.544332
14:15 854.064834 854.064834
21:12 1271.225817 1271.225817
17:30 1049.016572 1049.016572
4:27 266.443972 266.443972
21:27 1286.745777 1286.745777
12:47 766.540559 766.540559
22:03 1322.613483 1322.613483
4:34 273.389543 273.389543
10:06 605.709263 605.709263
0:19 18.731496 18.731496
22:54 1373.445344 1373.445344
23:49 1428.269812 1428.269812
18:18 1097.93195 1097.93195
3:31 210.375705 210.375705
5:38 337.779388 337.779388
20:54 1253.618992 1253.618992
21:57 1316.719575 1316.719575
2:55 174.92793 174.92793
21:14 1273.842199 1273.842199
12:42 761.521474 761.521474
23:51 1430.703976 1430.703976
0:45 44.710313 44.710313
9:44 583.511355 583.511355
0:02 1.702067 1.702067
19:38 1177.826985 1177.826985
21:48 1307.58827 1307.58827
6:11 370.774312 370.774312
4:03 242.789829 242.789829
13:05 784.695777 784.695777
0:00 - 0:01 Act 1, Scene 1 begins Scene
8:24 - 8:33 Act 1, Scene 2 begins Scene
18:18 - 18:19 Act 1, Scene 3 begins Scene
22:06 1325.542429 1325.542429
5:12 311.832363 311.832363
17:18 1037.600818 1037.600818

The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams at Internet Archive.

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